Today I am having my first Close To My Heart Open House!!
We are going to create a Winter Notecard, with the Aspen paper pack. I will take a picture and post later!! I am so excited.
I am so excited, yesterday, I created 3 layouts, with the Aspen paper pack. Here they are:
Products used:
X7103B Aspen Paper Packet
Z7103C Aspen My Stickease Assortment
Aspen Workshop Guide
Natural Twill Ribbon
Twilight Corduroy Brads
D1317 My Acrylix Feathery Flakes
E1007 My Acrylix Homestead Alphabet
z1293 Delta Ceramcoat Paint
Z400 Sassy Strands - White Daisy collection
3174 Blending Pen
9029 Cherish
9030 Imagine
Z2103 Bamboo Exclusive Inks Pad
Z2160 Twilight Exclusive Inks Pad
Z1114 Piercing Tool Set
Z697 Sponge
You can order at